Kōrerorero – interview with NZGCP

New Zealand Growth Capital Partners (NZGCP), the NZ Government-backed early stage investment fund, ran an interview with me today on their Kōrerorero blog, discussing general approaches to angel investment. I answer questions like: As an Angel investor, what do you look for before investing? What are your top tips for Kiwi companies with high-growth potential?…

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Arch Angel

I have been given the Angel Association of New Zealand’s supreme award for 2018, the Arch Angel Award. This is a huge honour for me, and came as a complete surprise. I want to thank all of the people who have co-invested with me and helped me along the way, and especially the amazing NZ…

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Publons angel exit

Publons, a company that came out of Wellington’s Lightning Lab accelerator in 2013, and of which I was the first investor and (until 31 May) Chairman of the Board, has been acquired by Clarivate Analytics. Publons provides a platform that gives academics credit for the peer review work they do, and whose mission is to…

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