Risk appetite in government

I recently participated in a “Procurement Hackathon” event run by the Chris Webb and Jane Kennedy at Department of Internal Affairs in Wellington.  Rolled into this event was the launch led by Minister Clare Curran of the DIA Marketplace, which is starting life as a directory of third-party pre-approved services, many of them SaaS, that…

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My week on @AotearoaPeople

Last week I was the curator of the @AotearoaPeople Twitter account.  I covered a lot of areas of interest to me. The tweet stream follows. I hope you enjoy it! Jump to: Monday: Intro, my whanau, and our charitable trust Tuesday: Lexicography and words Wednesday: Tech, startups, and investment Thursday: The future of government Friday:…

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Hate and the Internet

I was part of a panel today run by InternetNZ on Hate and the Internet.  The event was framed as follows: There is increasing discussion about hate speech and the issues associated with the publishing and circulation of hateful content online. But what is hate speech? And what does it mean in a New Zealand…

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Greylisting is looking a bit long in the tooth

Back in 2006, when I set up thinktank.co.nz’s mail server defenses, SPAM was increasing at an astronomical rate. There were a number of tools to use on mail servers to help stem the tide, including greylisting, SpamAssassin, Realtime Blackhole Lists (RBL’s), signature systems including Vipul’s Razor and Pyzor; other technologies such as Sender Policy Framework…

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A vision for 2070

Today I’m participating in a meeting called Optimistic Futures, organised by the Service Innovation Lab, InternetNZ, and Victoria University – three organisations with which I have an association. Here is my own broad vision for what I’d like the world to look like in 2070. We have solved the big, wicked problems. The environment is…

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